You may have some questions for us.

We have them answered for you here.

Why should I go solar?

The advantages of solar energy are numerous ranging from substantial cost savings to a reduced carbon footprint. Installing a solar system on your house will increase the value of your property.

Will I still be receiving an electric bill?

You can expect a small balance to $0 on your electric bill, depending on your system size versus your power consumption. In some cases, you may even receive credit that you can apply towards future balances.

Will the panels still work in cloudy weather?

Solar panels work just fine on cloudy days, even if they’re not quite as effective at generating electricity compared to sunny days. According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, solar cells can still generate 80% of their maximum output potential, even in partly cloudy weather and overcast days.

Is my electric power working "off the grid"?

Even after adding solar panels to your home, you are still connected to the power grid. This enables you to draw from the grid when your system does not generate all the power required and send power back to the grid if you produce more than you use. Using a solar energy system with battery storage allows you to live off the grid. However, most households won't need it and it will cost a lot more.

Won't the weight of the panels be a problem?

The weight of solar panel systems will not collapse your roof. Because of the advances in the solar industry, solar installers are able to design solar systems that will provide for your energy needs while being a safe weight for your roof.

For any new solar design project, our design specialists are always taking into account the weight of the installation and the strength of the roof structure. We will advise when the roof material needs replacing before installing solar and we will advise on the roof structure. Once we greenlight the roof and its structure you can rest assured the solar installation is safe and will not damage your roof.

What if my roof is not in the best condition?

No worries! We work closely with experienced and quality third party licensed local roofers in the area to help you replace/repair your roof with little to no cost if you qualify before installing your panels.

What happens when I move/sell the house?

It’s an easy process. You’ll be transferring your contract over to the next homeowner and they’ll also be able to enjoy the savings off their bill as well.

Isn't going solar expensive?

If you can afford to pay your electricity bill, you can afford to go solar. $0-down solar financing options, including both solar loans and solar leases, make it easy for homeowners with good credit to start saving on their electricity bills by going solar.


What Our Clients Are Saying

Rachel M.

"Our experience with Direct Energy Plan has been fantastic!Not only did they provide a hassle free installation, but our energy bills have dropped since. The savings have been remarkable, making it one of the best decisions we've made for our home."

Stephanie B.

"Choosing Direct Energy Plan was a smart move for our family's finances. Our energy bills have been a lot lower, and we're already seeing a return on our investment. We're grateful for their expert advice in making this positive change."

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